Tropical weather, which includes tropical storms, hurricanes, and El Niño cycles, can wreak havoc on your commercial property. When your place of business comes up against these forces of nature, Family First Mold & Water is your go-to expert for guidance, for helping businesses emerge from the storm and for getting back in business.
We are a locally owned and operated commercial restoration company that is backed by a national brand with over 30 years of experience. We specialize in tropical storm and hurricane clean-up and have helped countless clients with repairing and restoring their business so that they can get back to normal.
What are Tropical Storms?
Named after the area between the Tropic of Cancer to the north and the Tropic of Capricorn to the south, tropical weather is influenced by heat energy from warm seas and hot, humid air. Due to being near the equator, this band holds vast areas of warm water and is where most tropical weather originates. However, the subtropics, a zone from the tropics to the 38th parallel of each hemisphere, can be a seasonal source for tropical development as well.
A hurricane watch means conditions are possible within the next 48 hours. A hurricane warning means conditions are expected within 36. Response experts for weather’s worst events, Family First Mold & Water carefully monitors every tropical disturbance, tracking the development and potential landfall, analyzing the possible storm and wind damage, and mobilizing resources to restore your business.
Tropical storms:
A few risks of tropical storms include
- Winds between 39 mph and 73 mph
- Risk of wind damage
- Risk of flood damage
A few risks of hurricanes include:
- Winds at or above 74 mph
- Potential for significant wind and flood damage
- Likely widespread power outages
El Niño:
A few risks of an El Niño include:
- Higher than average sea surface temperatures
- Greatly influences weather patterns in the U.S.
- Suppresses hurricane development
- Increases winter rainfall along the Pacific Coast and in the South
- Heavy periods of rain can lead to flash flooding
Always Ready to Help
At Family First Mold & Water, we make it our job to carefully monitor every storm that could potentially cause a significant amount of rainfall. We stand on guard, 24/7/365, ready to respond to businesses impacted by water and wind damage with services that set the standard and a commitment to always being there for you.
For the entire storm damage repair process, we’re on your side. When you live in an area controlled by tropical systems, you know the risk associated with being unprepared. Severe storms, life-threatening hurricanes, and extreme rainfall not only affect you but also put your business at risk. After the storm passes, you may find your company so damaged that you can’t open your doors to the public.
Don’t worry, Family First Mold & Water is here to help! We understand how important it is to get your business up and running after disaster strikes. Count on us to provide the guidance and expertise for hurricane and tropical storm clean-up you need to get back to operations as soon as possible.
We’re available 24/7 to discuss your restoration needs. Get the help you deserve.

- 6555 Powerline Rd Suite 307 Ft. Lauderdale Fl 33309
- 954-420-7945